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Coming Up With Silent Auction Ideas

Individuals and companies can donate their services and products to silent auctions to get an edge on their networking. One of the ways of doing unique silent auction ideas that is by participating in charity or fundraising events. These are excellent platforms for meeting new people and linking up with quality organizations and companies. The key is to be open minded and see opportunity from any angle.

Listed below are specific ways in which networkers can gain social and business benefits through their donations.

Service or Product Offering

If you or you company decides to participate in a silent auction, select the proper service or product offering. Be strategic in the service or product that you select. Make sure that it will appeal to the audience who will be buying the item(s). Ask the host or organizer of the auction to provide a demographic of the attendees and guests. Also ask for popular or well sold items at these types of functions. It may also involve creating a new product or service to meet the customer satisfaction. Increase your brand and awareness and consider auctioning off more than one service or product.

Price Matching

Once you have selected the proper product or service, the next step is to properly price the item. Although, there is a retail price, make sure that the item in moderately priced with the other items in the silent auction. If the price is too high, it may not sell and if the price it too low, it may not be not produce good bids. Also, select good price increments so that a healthy flow of bidding can be established.

Company Presentation

The final step to a successful service or product presentation is providing useful materials about the individual or company. This is a perfect opportunity to showcase the mission, vision and services to engage potential bidders. Along with the bid sheets, include marketing materials in which bidders can take for themselves. Place additional business cards and brochures near the bid sheets. Make sure that the proper contact information is printed on the sheets.

Follow Up

After the silent auction, follow up with the organizer/host of the auction as well as the item winner. Thank the organizer/host and inquire about more opportunities of support their objectives and promoting your business. Also connect with the winner and request a testimonial of the product or services. Along with the testimonial, inquire about getting referrals and leads.